Your Right to File a Complaint:
The Policy of Snook ISD is that all students and employees be free from bullying or retaliation against anyone involved in the complaint process. All charges of bullying are taken very seriously. The District will make every reasonable effort to handle and respond to charges and complaints filed in a fair, thorough, and just manner. Every reasonable effort will be made to protect the due process rights of victims and alleged offenders.
Use the Complaint Form (hard copy) or the Online Complaint Form (on the mobile app) to report bullying so that school officials may investigate and take appropriate steps to increase your safety. Provide as much detailed information as possible so that the complaint may be properly investigated. It is important that you report the facts as accurately and completely as possible and that you cooperate fully with the persons designated to investigate the complaint. Complaint forms will also be available from any counselor or administrator. Once completed, the principal or designee will handle all complaints.
To conduct an investigation in a confidential manner, the school will disclose the contents of your complaint only to those persons who have a need to know of the complaint. In signing the complaint form, you authorize the disclosure, as needed, of the information you have provided, and may provide in the future, regarding your complaint. n Your complaint form will not be shown to the accused student.