Welcome to Mrs. Bond's Classroom
Meet Mrs. Bond

Important Updates:
-August 18th: First Day of School
-September 1st: Pick up applications for Student Council
-October 8th: Student Council Applications Due
-Socktober: During the month of October, Student Council will be collecting socks, blankets and jackets for the homeless shelter.
-Novembers Can Food Drive: Please send non-perishable foods. We will deliver them to the food bank in Caldwell the 1st week of December.
About Mrs. Bond
I have been teaching mathematics at Snook since 2007, and plan on staying till I retire! Outside of work I am a wife, a mom, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, a bee keeper, and a crazy chicken lady.
Classroom Schedule
1st Period: College Prep Math
2nd Period: Pre Calculus (H)
3rd Period: Algebra 2
4th Period: Conference
5th Period: Algebra 2
6th Period: Calculus AB
7th Period: Algebra 2 (H)
8th: College Prep Math
Classroom Expectations
1. All students will be seated with necessary materials before the tardy bell rings.
2. Students will remain alert and awake during class.
3. Personal electronics are permitted for instructional purposes only.
4. The teacher will dismiss the class, not the bell.
5. Students will demonstrate respect at all times.
Google Classroom: Please see me for a google invite information.
Contact Information
Email: bondm@snookisd.com
Phone: (979) 272- 8307 ext 504