Happy National Principal's Month! Thank you for the AMAZING job that each one of you do every day!! You are an important part of the Snook ISD team!
Hello everyone! We've been asked about sign up and payment info for the Trunk or Treat event. Please see the attached flier and entry form and feel free to contact PTO with any questions. We had such a great time last year and look forward to it again this year!
SERVE Strong, DIG Fierce, SPIKE Hard! Come out and support the Lady Jays!
Snook ISD Student Holiday
Monday, October 11
Classes will resume regular schedule Tuesday, October 12.
Columbus Day Football and Volleyball Information
Let's cheer on our Cross Country Team this Saturday!! Run Hard Bluejays and Ladyjays!!
We want another one, just like the other one ACE, ACE, ACE, ACE!! Let's go and support our LadyJays at 6:00!
FAFSA Night (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
When: Thursday, October 14, 2021
Where: Snook Secondary Cafeteria
Time: 4:30-6:30
We want to send a big THANK YOU to Ms. Dorothy Oliver. Ms. Oliver, the Election Administrator for Burleson County, came to Snook ISD to discuss the importance of voting and how to use the voting machines with our Seniors.
Bump-Set-Spike It Lady Jays! Come out and support the Lady Jays tonight against Burton!
It's not how fast you run, but how long you run fast! Good Luck Snook!
Who is ready for some BLUEJAY FOOTBALL? Come out and support your Bluejays tomorrow night to a VICTORY!
Come out and support your Lady Jays tomorrow to a VICTORY!
We at Snook ISD are proud to partner with GermBlast this school year as a proactive measure to keep our community healthy and thriving. COVID-19 brought to light the importance of cleaning and disinfection, and our partnership with GermBlast can help increase the safety and well-being of students and staff.
SERVE Strong, DIG Fierce, SPIKE Hard! Come out and support the Lady Jays!
Has your family completed the school lunch program application? Go to https://www.mealappnow.com/mansnk/splash.php to complete your application today!
Let's Get Fired Up for some BLUEJAY football tonight! Let's be LOUD and PROUD!
We want another one, just like the other one ACE, ACE, ACE, ACE!! Let's support our LadyJays tonight against McDade!
Snook ISD School Nutrition Services has received a waiver from the Texas Department of Agriculture which will allow all SISD students to eat school breakfast and lunch at no charge for the 2021-2022 school year. Each day students may receive one breakfast and one lunch at no charge. Second meals, extra entrees, and ala carte food items will still be available for purchase in the cafeteria. You are not required to have an approved meal application to receive meals; however, an approved meal application provides many benefits to your family and your school.
Bump-Set-Spike It Lady Jays! Come out and support your Lady Jays this Friday.