Snook ISD end of the year celebration videos.
School Employee Appreciation SHOUT OUT!
Thursday, May 7--Thank a History, Social Studies, Coach, Maintenance Staff or Bus Driver.
Apreciación del empleado escolar ¡GRITO!
Jueves 7 de mayo - Agradezca a un historiador, estudios sociales, entrenador, personal de mantenimiento o conductor de autobús.
The Snook High School graduation ceremony for the Class of 2020 will be held on June 26, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. at Bluejay Stadium. Social distancing rules will be in effect. More details will be released in the near future.
School Employee Appreciation SHOUT OUT!
Wednesday, May 6--Thank a Science, Spanish, Nurse & Child Nutrition Staff Member.
Apreciación del empleado escolar ¡GRITO!
Miércoles 6 de mayo: gracias a un miembro del personal de ciencias, español, enfermeras y nutrición infantil.
School Employee Appreciation SHOUT OUT!
Tuesday, May 5--Thank the English Language Arts, Fine Arts, Elective Classes Teachers.
Apreciación del empleado escolar ¡GRITO!
Martes 5 de mayo: Agradezca a los maestros de artes del lenguaje inglés, bellas artes y clases electivas.
School Employee Appreciation SHOUT OUT!
Monday, May 4--Thank the Math, Ag Science, Special Services & Para Professionals.
Apreciación del empleado escolar ¡GRITO!
Lunes 4 de mayo: agradezca a los profesionales de matemáticas, ciencias agrícolas, servicios especiales y para profesionales.
Snook Secondary will be distributing Elective Projects with Grade Level Packets on Monday. These Elective Projects will serve as six weeks grades for elective courses. Snook ISD has posted a list of electives requiring projects here.
Teen Leadership will be in the Grade 6 Packet. Employability Skills will be in the Grade 7 Packet. Personal Finance and Speech will be in the Grade 12 packet. The remaining elective courses must be requested when you pick-up assignments.
The school will be open for students to pick-up personal belongings and return school-issued items as follows:
May 4 - 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
May 5 - 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
May 6 - 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Elementary items have been bagged and will be distributed via a drive-thru pickup in front of the Elementary Gym entrance. Secondary students will need to enter the building to empty their lockers and get personal items from the classrooms (please bring your own bags). Entry will be monitored and controlled by social-distancing numbers. Athletic lockers have been bagged and will be distributed via a drive-through pickup from the back of the building by the picnic tables. Please return all school-issued items (library books, textbooks, athletic apparel, etc.) when you pick up your personal belongings.
If you have any questions, please contact your campus principal or call 979-272-8307 for more information
National Junior Honor Society induction scheduled for May of 2020 will be held in the fall of 2020 when we return to school.
Snook ISD is proposing an amendment to the District of Innovation Plan that would allow an alternative group health coverage plan. Please take a moment and provide feedback here.
Link to survey:
The graduation ceremony for the Class of 2020 will be moved to Bluejay Stadium. The first option will remain May 22, 2020 (pending TEA guidance) with the time changed to 8:00 p.m. The alternate date will be June 26, 2020 at 8:00 p.m. Rainout dates will be May 23 or June 27 with time TBA.
Snook ISD out of district student transfer application window is now open. Applications for the 2020-2021 school year will be accepted April 1-May 1, 2020. You can find a printable version here:
Current transfer students will need to complete an application for the 2020-2021 school year, also. These will be mailed home this week.
Please contact 979-272-8307 if you have any questions.
¡Las personas sin síntomas tienen el potencial de propagar COVID-19 sin saberlo! Por eso lo mejor para todos en su familia es quedarse en casa y lejos de los demás tanto como sea posible hasta que los funcionarios estatales y locales le indiquen lo contrario. #StayHomeTexas
People with no symptoms have the potential to unknowingly spread COVID-19! That’s why it’s best for everyone in your family to stay at home and away from others as much as possible until instructed otherwise from state and local officials. #StayHomeTexas
Please read this Snook ISD update regarding grades:
Texas, recuerda la importancia del distanciamiento social. Evite espacios públicos y manténgase alejado de los demás (al menos 6 pies). Si continuamos siguiendo la guía de salud pública, menos de nuestros amigos y familiares se verán afectados por COVID-19. #StayHomeTexas
Texas, remember the importance of social distancing. If you must go out, avoid public spaces and keep your distance from others (at least 6 feet). If we continue to follow valuable public health guidance, fewer of our friends & family will be affected by COVID-19. #StayHomeTexas
#COVID19 vive de gotas en los pulmones de las personas con el virus incluso si no tienen síntomas.Cuando las personas contagiadas respiran, el virus entra al aire.Si no puedes quedarte en casa #StayHome, use una bufanda/pañuelo, manténgase a 6 pies de distancia y lávese las manos
#COVID19 lives on droplets in the lungs of people with the virus, even if they don’t have symptoms. When infected people breathe, the virus enters the air. If you can’t #StayHome, wear a mask/scarf/bandana, stay 6 feet apart, and wash your hands. #DontGoViral
Los síntomas comunes de #COVID19 son fiebre, tos seca y dificultad para respirar.Si tiene síntomas leves, llame a su médico y quedate en casa.Si desarrolla síntomas graves, como dificultad para respirar o presión en el pecho, busque atención médica de inmediato. #StayHome