Complete the free/reduced meal applications on Meal APP Now:
Make online cafeteria payments on Lunch Money Now:
Snook Elementary School Supply List
Parents can look up their child's STAAR scores at
2018 Summer Athletic Camps
Snook ISD Trustee Election Results
Snook ISD Bond Election Results
Child Nutrition Appreciation Day is a perfect day to show some love! Thanks, ladies, for all you do!
Pre-K and Kinder Pre-Registration
Congratulations to our Walk-a-Thon WINNERS!
We are looking forward to our EARTH DAY Walk-a-Thon. Thanks to these ladies for blowing up balloons so we can PUNCH OUT POLLUTION!
Pre-k making hearts happy!
Loving the teamwork during 3rd grade brain break!
Snook Elementary - Spring Calendar of Events
Snook Elementary celebrates DIVERSITY on Autism Awareness Day.
Snook Elementary Bluejay News - April
2nd grade on an academic Easter Egg Hunt!
Fifth grade is having fun figuring out what we brought for our inference mystery bag homework!
Rain or shine...our students are on the hunt for Easter Eggs! Thanks to the NJHS for hosting this event in the library!
Kindergarten learning about BEES by asking questions of experts.
Community helpers visit Snook Elementary