Complete the free/reduced meal applications on Meal APP Now: Make online cafeteria payments on Lunch Money Now:
over 6 years ago, Snook ISD
Snook Elementary School Supply List
over 6 years ago, Snook ISD
supply list
Parents can look up their child's STAAR scores at
over 6 years ago, Snook ISD
2018 Summer Athletic Camps
over 6 years ago, Snook ISD
Snook ISD Trustee Election Results
over 6 years ago, Snook ISD
Trustee election
Snook ISD Bond Election Results
over 6 years ago, Snook ISD
Bond election results
Child Nutrition Appreciation Day is a perfect day to show some love! Thanks, ladies, for all you do!
over 6 years ago, Snook ISD
Pre-K and Kinder Pre-Registration
over 6 years ago, Snook ISD
Congratulations to our Walk-a-Thon WINNERS!
almost 7 years ago, Snook ISD
We are looking forward to our EARTH DAY Walk-a-Thon. Thanks to these ladies for blowing up balloons so we can PUNCH OUT POLLUTION!
almost 7 years ago, Snook ISD
Pre-k making hearts happy!
almost 7 years ago, Snook ISD
Loving the teamwork during 3rd grade brain break!
almost 7 years ago, Snook ISD
Snook Elementary - Spring Calendar of Events
almost 7 years ago, Snook ISD
Snook Elementary celebrates DIVERSITY on Autism Awareness Day.
almost 7 years ago, Snook ISD
Snook Elementary Bluejay News - April
almost 7 years ago, Snook ISD
April 1
April 2
2nd grade on an academic Easter Egg Hunt!
almost 7 years ago, Snook ISD
Fifth grade is having fun figuring out what we brought for our inference mystery bag homework!
almost 7 years ago, Snook ISD
Rain or shine...our students are on the hunt for Easter Eggs! Thanks to the NJHS for hosting this event in the library!
almost 7 years ago, Snook ISD
Kindergarten learning about BEES by asking questions of experts.
almost 7 years ago, Snook ISD
Community helpers visit Snook Elementary
almost 7 years ago, Snook ISD